Homeopathy is the surest and safest way of dealing with sickness . 

Homeopathic medicines strengthen the immune system of the patient. I have experience this many times. The bio-resonance devices can measure the immune present condition .
See the patient before and use homeopathic remedy , then see the immune marker, its higher and better.

Well selected remedy ( homeopathic medicines ) actions are like switching on electric switch. Every minute the patient will feel better , until cure.

Sometimes its a single magic dose. Sometimes need repeated doses in case very chronic cases.

Homeopathic medicines are thoroughly tested on human being , not on animals , guinea pig, or rats, rabbits etc, where the mental emotional effects and feelings will not be known.
These medicines works on human being and on animals also. If the symptoms agree , the medicine will act on animals very well.
Example: My sisters rabbit fell from 3rd floor , broke its teeth, and bleeding , with sever injury and pain. My sister was crying. I suggested , immediately give ARNICA MONTANA 200 , 3 to 4 pills ,few quick doses at interval of 15 min.  About 3 to 4 hrs the rabbit was on its foot , jumping here and there.

Example : Girl , age 20 , knee turned away from its position , dangling her leg , went to hospital for setting up , then the whole knee was swollen and tender with lot of pain . The pain was not going with conventional pain killers.
The knee was bluish, swollen  and threatening. Doctors wanted to do surgery but mother of the patient asked me to look to it , if anything can be done.

The knee was bluish and tender, soft, swollen , very scary looking.
But as I saw the bluish discoloration, I suggested Arnica Montana 200 ,  3 pills doses 4 times a day.
With their surprise, within a day the pain subsided, in three days the bluish discoloration and swelling has gone.
She was constitutionally a Calcaria Phos patient. She was given Calcaria Phos 6x , 4 tabs doses , 3 times daily, for 2 months.  .
In two weeks she was up on feet , walking without aid, without difficulty.

My wife reported , few days later, she saw her flying past very quickly at nearby station.

Before she used to have the dislocation of knee but after this treatment for 3 months,
 about 2 years past , she is strong and fine.
Her mother informed her complexion also changed and her ever complain mind has changed to far better appreciable way.  They were astonish to notice the changes.

Once homeopathic medicines are proved with testers ( healthy persons)  , symptoms documented with repeated results , proven clinically on sick , it gets a permanent place in the Materia Medica.
The name of the medicines and the characteristics does not change with time. Once the remedy is proven , it will work likewise until the dooms day. The remedy and their characters are classical and non-changing with time. A kind of everlasting knowledge, which is very interesting.

There are 5000 remedies which all have been proven so far with documentation. Schools teaches 100 remedies. You can bring many cures by knowing clearly even 20 remedies by first aid application.
If one knows 500 remedies , its very easier to treat range of diseases. If you know 1000 remedies , you are expert. You will see the patient, listen to their problems and symptoms and immediately you will know what is the closest fit similimum remedy.

The remedy which cover the patient's most of the symptoms is the best remedy. It will uproot all problems slowly.
Sometimes the case is layered. Once the initial sets of trouble goes off , old set arrives, which was experienced before. Might need another remedy to combat it.

When the well selected remedies fails , means there are underlying deeper layer is present. You might need nosodes to combat it.
EXAMPLE: Throat pain , recurring now and then. Lots of treatment with allopathy and homeopathy has been gone past. But the problem is very obstinate.
Then the patients say , since I have Diphtheria , I had all these problem coming and going.

The diphtheria was not cured from root.
Oh, that's the Diptherinum .  Use few doses and you can not see the problem any more. Patients overall felling is also very good.

Homeopathic medicines can be used in situations when the case looks very dim.  Once I went to a relatives house. She was old lady, had so many allopathic medicines and now for the side effects, can not talk , the voice is very dim. every other nearby relatives were informed that her condition is very bad. Her sister and relatives told over phone  that they coming to see her as they feel the last minute is near.
I observed her , by taking so many medicnes and various disease she is tired weak, and really can not even talk , the voice is very down and low.
 Acid phos 30,  3 pills , 3 doses, in sucesion of 15 min. She started taking with energy after one hour or so. Afternoon about 3 hrs later , the sisters arrived , she served them food and talking cheerfully.

They were astonished and said , ''Ah, you look good, we thought you are too sick to even talk. You could not talk at morning."

It can be that quick.

EXAMPLE : Lady as of 70. Sever knee pain. Suffering quiet a long years. Using pain killers. Can not walk. She was fat and Calcaria Carb patient. I gave her Calacaria carb 1 M , 3 pills two times , 2 days. She was walking straight in 3rd day.

EXAMPLE: Man , age 40. Sever knee pain. My relative.Came to our place. He was Calcaria Carb patient. I gave CALCARIA CARB CM 1 dose.
Next morning when he wake up, I saw him moving his knee side to side  as if searching something.
I said what happen , what are you looking for ?
He said , I am looking , where is the pain ? Its perfectly fine.

The effect of medicine can be that quick even to a chronic case. If the remedies are selected well and the potency is good , the result will be astonishing.


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the action of the homeopathic remedy is very quick and striking. Try to experience the truth. Try homeopathy. It does not harm you but can bring you enormous benefit for sure.

