Peace is consciousness, consciousness is peace. Pure consciousness is pure peace, unconditional. You are never away from this but your mind was never aware of this. Then the consciousness inflicted some pain and sufferings upon your mind, so that you get interested to search for peace.
Good to know, what is keeping you away from the pure unconditional peace, consciousness and freedom. This is your very mind and its delusions. But you may not be aware of this till now.
Mind’s normal trick is holding others responsible for its own doing and sufferings. Mind always focuses externally. Never look back on itself.
People are worried about devil and evil. But every conscious person is aware that the worse enemy is your own thoughts and its delusions and falsehood. Devil only blow some oxygen in it to ignite further. Evil thoughts are the worse devil that devil itself. Your own mind can damage you more than evil.  One need to take care of own thoughts to discover pure consciousness, joy, bliss and happiness.
Mind casts the shadow over the consciousness and invokes sufferings. Mind supposed to be the tool of consciousness, instead mind has become the king and turns to be the suffer master.
The key of joy, bliss, happiness and unconditional peace is remaining in your hand. You only can use it and can discover the unconditional peace in you. Only need to cast off the vain thoughts.
Your mind is the suffering generator; soon you will be aware of it. Just stick around.  Also you will be aware of the key of joy, bliss, happiness which is right now in your hand, you will come to know.
When you are happy, lucky, healthy, carefree, enjoying; you are not likely to bother much. You get enough living; you can fill your needs. You are free to lead your life as your mind wants it to be.  Life goes on, following its own way. Your wishes are fulfilling. You might feel inside, yes I have done it. It is good to hear.
But all the days are not same. The challenges of life come by itself.  Frustration, sorrows, disappointment, anger, destructions, depression attack the mind. Life looks so dim and burdensome at times. It looks miserable, unbearable.  Mind at times turns so heavy that it ends up in even suicide. What could be worse pathetic scenario than this? People harm others or harm themselves for their unconscious sufferings.
Challenges of life might push you to think, what is the meaning of this life? Why so much pain and sufferings are in life.  You might think, my life is like this, and that’s it, nothing can be done about it. I have to live like this, no other way. It’s very frustrating but what can I do about it? It’s not entirely true. There is a great meaning of these adverse happenings and finally there is sure way out of all sufferings.
Even you are leading a carefree life, at the back of your mind things do not resolve. The true satisfaction does not come.  What is next? What about death? Non-removable uneasiness persists underlying the colorful achievements. Too much material success does not give you the simple assurance of peace.  The thought of death, confines all your achievements to nowhere. These are real problems.
The difficulty you are experiencing has definite solution. The key is right at your hand but unknown to you.
INNER PEACE: Every human is blessed with inner peace at any condition of life. It is always with him or her. But the disturbing mind or thoughts are the main barrier to experience the inner peace. Inner peace never leaves you. But the desires, illusions, prejudice filled mind cannot discover the inner peace.
The mind always looks for peace in outside world or objects. The mind looks for peace outside whereas the inner peace is always inside.
To discover the inner peace one must be very innocent and surrendered to the pure consciousness. The mind will calm down and the peace will be experienced.
The endless unconditional joy follows despite of any happening outside.
You do not have to believe this, you have to experience this. Believing only put you to practice. Hands on practice bring you peace, happiness, the unconditional joy.
The hands on practice can bring the experience. It’s not very difficult but you must look for it, ask it and desire it, so that you turn yourself towards it.
To be aware of own mind and self-reflection is a sure shot way. Understanding the mind is very important. Understanding the reality is very helpful. Separating the real from unreal is great wisdom. Self-knowledge is indispensable to discover inner peace.
We shall discuss the clarity of the procedures so that illusions and darkness of mind depart. Wisdom is the only light which drives away illusions of mind. The wisdom is the only sword which destroys illusions and restores peace, bliss and happiness.
All the religions, spiritual practices, all the great enlightened people always tried to propagate the same truth dressed in various colors.
We have enough experience of sufferings in day to day life. We experience at times, the turmoil of mind, pressure, tension, anxiety, fear, unpleasant feelings, while interacting with the world, in family, in work place, socially, economically, physically, mentally. The restless violent environment of war and hatred, adversity, famine, hunger, sickness engulf human existence to desperation and sufferings. The ego filled blind minds will generate sufferings for themselves and others unconsciously, without knowing. The selfish mind will never even know what damage it is doing to itself and others. 
Anger, dissatisfaction, disappointment, material loss, non- acceptance, sadness, and depressions move the mind to oppression and depression. The dangerous happenings around, accidents, madness, hatred, war, collective extortion, famine, cruelty around the globe generates sufferings. Our own unawareness of truth creates further sufferings.
Diseases, loss of loved ones, financial ruin, loss of job, money problem, relationship breakdown, workplace stresses, family stresses paralyze us and we experience sufferings. All these affects us either physically or mentally or emotionally or in combination of all.
Peace or suffering, richness or poverty, joy or sadness all are kind of experience only. They are nothing but various experiences. Either pleasant or unpleasant.  
Can you investigate what is suffering exactly?
Sufferings grow in mind (as thought) as we interact and percept the world around. Cause can be physical pain, loss etc. or just mental effect. It is either physical or non-physical (in thoughts). Physical is physical, it is more material and have some existence. But mental sufferings are inexistence and mostly illusions.
As example: The accident and broken leg, causes pain, one suffers with this, this is not illusion but physical sufferings. But if anyone broke purposely your leg, you have physical pain, plus hatred, anger and vengeance grown in mind; these give rise further sufferings in mind as thoughts.
We must investigate, who is exactly suffering. Or who is the sufferer?  People will say I am suffering. Who is this ‘I am’ exactly is.
When you will clearly identify the sufferer, you will be free from all sufferings. We shall focus more light on this, under chapter WHO AM I.
EXPERIENCES: All sufferings are experiences. All happiness and joy also experiences. Who is this experiencer?
You might say, I am.
Who is this I am?
You might say my body, my mind! What else.
Can your body and mind experience anything without the consciousness?
Then who is actually experiencing?
Body and mind is experiencing because of the presence or effect of consciousness.
The consciousness cannot suffer. In the presence of consciousness or effect of consciousness the body and mind can have experience, sufferings or joy. Consciousness experiences directly, it witness the sufferings or bliss of mind. Consciousness never suffers.
The play of the consciousness is the cause of all experiences.
Consciousness knows how to deal with the sufferings and correct it. The consciousness does not force the mind; only allow the mind to expose in open options to allow the individuality and experience.
When one surrenders to the consciousness, the consciousness takes over the whole show. The inner joy uncovers. The peace and bliss flows like fountain.  
Mind unaware of the power of consciousness, rarely thinks to surrender. It keeps on suffering. The ego takes over the mind and mind does not know how to get rid of. More the mind works, plans and schemes under ego, it entangle in deeper sufferings. 
All the sufferings are just a poke to bring back the mind towards consciousness. But mind interpret it very different.
Every suffering, every disease, every loss, every pressure is a pinch to the body mind complex to call them towards consciousness, where the inner peace is.
One suffering we experience as a physical pain, another is in our mind or as thoughts. So it’s clear that one is physical and another is mental , emotional (in mind as thought), that is nonphysical.
The sufferings in thoughts are more important and it covers large portion of our sufferings. These mental sufferings can get rid of instantly, if anyone willing to do.
The physical pain and sufferings are more real and related to our actions. This cannot heel or get rid of instantly but with time, effort and expenses. Fortunately this covers lesser portion than our mental emotional sufferings.  
The sufferings in mind can grow from both, thoughts and actions.
Important thing to recognize here that the suffering of mind or thought  are mostly thoughts only , soft copy as thoughts, give rise of feelings as we give it power, though it is false , or illusion and does not exist in reality.
Say for example, someone had caused huge loss to you and you hate that person. Where is the hate exactly? It is just in your thoughts or in other word in mind.  Just discard the thoughts. The hate is gone. You didn’t do anything but recognized that this is a thought and do not give it power anymore by not reacting with the thought. Do not react as the thoughts arise. The thought will leave your head soon. Do not entertain the thoughts.
As the human brain is designed to generate thoughts, it will keep on generating the streams of useful and useless thoughts in your awaking hours. Do not give attention to all thoughts arising in the brain.  Actions happen when you react with the thoughts.
If you do not react with the thoughts they will leave your brain soon and new thoughts will arise.
RECOGNISING THE SUFFERINGS ARE JUST THOUGHTS IN YOUR HEAD is the first point to understand. It grows due to ignorance and misunderstanding when  the pure consciousness is not known.  
Remove the thoughts, and you have removed the sufferings.
Nobody can do it for you; you have to do it by yourself.
But the question is how to remove the thoughts?
Our head is the thought generator. How to stop this generator to produce unnecessary thoughts? 
How to stop a thief? What is the first action?
Simple : Keep Watch . When thief knows he is being watched, he will not come simply.
Same like that, when thoughts come, let it come, do not try to prevent it or stop it, keep watch, what is coming. Do not react. Be alert not to react. If you are not aware, automatically thought might convert to action in unconscious way.
Just do not interact with the thoughts, neither try to remove them, nor try to act on them. As you do not interact, the thoughts will roam around in the brain for a while and will vanish by itself, leaving you peaceful.
Just see the thoughts rises and die, without reacting with the thoughts, is essential meditation.
Practice this daily for a while at your leisure time, to remove all unnecessary thoughts. You will find more space in the mind. More time and energy will be available to do right things.
Do not put heat in the kettle, vapor will not rise. This heat is your desire. When you have passion and desire, you will act to fulfill the desires and all the thoughts will rise and rush like the vapors in the kettle.
This desire is also a thought. Watch it without reaction. This desire will die down soon, leaving you peaceful.
In sleep, your thought generator is stopped for few hours. That’s why sleep is so peaceful and refreshing. In sleep your mind is switched off. The thoughts are not generating and you are not suffering.
People, who cannot sleep for activated thoughts, cannot rest and suffer a lot.
You do not have to be thought less vegetable. In peace the mind is ever alert in consciousness, where the consciousness is master, not the mind or thoughts. The actions will be conscious and results will be peaceful.
A wellbeing feeling will follow. The joy for no reason does not leave your psyche. The body gets relaxed and deeply rested, even after a whole days work; still you are fresh and unexhausted.
The garbage thoughts have departed you. The worries, depressions, fear, confusion, have left you.
The dirty desires are not anywhere. There is no desire to get something from someone. The body, mind complex is just joyfully being in the sea of consciousness.
The individual defense, loss gain calculation and competition is lost forever.
Employ this rested mind to serve mankind.
The consciousness will pull you towards your destiny, only trust and allow the consciousness to takeover.
Peace means getting rid of the disturbances of the selfish thoughts.
There  is no separate self in reality but in illusions of mind. The whole suffering happens to the selfish illusory entity.
The moment the illusion is removed , the real peace follows.
Irresistible joy follows, with calmness and stillness of mind.

Q. Should I not think then? : You should think when needed for a job , for planning. When not engaged in useful thinking , restore the awareness in true presence. 


1 comment:

  1. If the mind can not discover peace here , it thinks that it will be somewhere in heaven. This is the delusion of mind. When the schemes of mind are dropped , peace follows in the calm mind , fee of all plots.

